Dr. ir. Marco S. Sotelo

Dr. ir. Marco S. Sotelo

Fellow researcher
Dr. ir. Marco S. Sotelo
Mob. +32 488 236 587
Mob. +34 617 179 846
ORCID 0000-0002-1165-7644

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Marco S. Sotelo is a fellow PhD researcher at the Maritime Technology Division at Ghent University, Belgium. Marco is a Naval Engineer from La Peninsula de Santa Elena, Ecuador. He obtained his degree in Naval Engineering from ESPOL Polytechnic University in Guayaquil, Ecuador. After graduating, he worked in the naval shipyard ASTINAVE EP in Guayaquil, Ecuador, for a year and a half. In 2019, he graduated from the EMSHIP program obtaining a master's degree in Naval Construction from the University of Liege, in Belgium and a Master's in Marine and Offshore Hydrodynamics from the Ecole Central de Nantes, in France. He obtained his PhD in Maritime Engineering in July 2024, at the Maritime Technology Division at Ghent University. The research was about the influence of natural mud layer interactions (nautical bottom) on floating objects in muddy environments.

Research topics

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Nautical Bottom
  • Non-Newtonian Fluids
  • Ship structure
  • Experimental model tests in towing tank
  • Ship hydrodynamic
  • Experimental Fluid Dynamics


The full publication list can be found here

Scientific career

  • March 2024 – to present: R&D Engineer, UPtech-sensing, San Sebastián, Spain
  • September 2019 – February 2024: PhD Researcher, Maritime Technology Division, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Summer 2018: Visiting Researcher, UNSW, Australia
  • May 2009 – october 2015: Ecuadorian Naval Shipyards, Guayaquil, Ecuador


  • 2019 PhD scholarship, founded by FWO (Grant G0D5319N)
  • 2017 ERASMUS+ ERASMUS MUNDUS Master Course scholarship